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An overview of the classification and characteristics of sealing strips

Author:admin Time:2017-08-28 09:43:00
At present, the main market of sealing strip is mainly three yuan EPDM rubber, rubber and plastic materials. According to its usage, it can be divided into automobile seal, mechanical seal, door and window seal and so on.
Characteristics of sealing strip
1. modified PVC adhesive strip
The price is relatively low, because the quality is different, the price is generally between 6000 yuan and 15000 yuan / ton. Low end products, due to the use of waste, substitute plasticizer and high filling volume, make the adhesive strip elastic, easy to harden, have nasal odor, easy to migrate, make the frame material yellowing and short service life. A few doors and windows enterprises in low price competition are still in use. The medium and high end PVC glue strips can reach the standard index, and the service life is relatively long.
Because PVC products contain halogen and stabilizer contains heavy metals, so it is not conducive to environmental protection. Therefore, foreign developed countries and Beijing and coastal cities in China have eliminated or restricted the use of PVC adhesive tape.
2. thermoplastic three ethylene propylene rubber seal strip
The seal strip is a new material developed on the basis of imported technology and independent research and development in recent years. It is mainly used for automobile door and window sealing strip, and has been used for building door and window sealing strip in recent years. Its outstanding advantages are:
The performance and service life are equivalent to the vulcanized three ethylene propylene rubber seal.
(2) the processing energy consumption is lower than that of the vulcanized ethylene propylene glycol (PVC) (equivalent to PVC).
(3) no halogen and lead heavy metals, plus a number of years after the recovery, in line with the requirements of green building materials.
The proportion of small proportion (only 0.9 to 0.95) is high. It seems that the purchase price is high and the cost of actual use is low.
Product characteristics
1) light weight, large expansion strength, no water absorption (replacing the traditional three oil four felt, bitumen wood fir plate and other materials). The products are environmentally friendly, and the construction is simple, and the effect of seepage prevention, leakage prevention and water stop is good.
2) corrosion resistance, aging resistance, high and low temperature +80 C ~-45 C no flow, no deformation, no brittle crack, long service life.
3) with independent opening bubble structure, the appearance of the special type joint plate is honeycomb shaped hole evenly distributed. It can be tightly bonded to cement / sealant without breaking wool, and it will adapt to natural expansion and shrinkage changes and enhance the sealing expansion and sealing effect of joints.
3. vulcanized ethylene propylene rubber sealing strip
In terms of seal elasticity and durability, it has been greatly enhanced than that of PVC adhesive tape. However, because of the need for microwave vulcanization, the energy consumption of processing is high, usually PVC times more than 20 times. The product can not be recycled, and it is not environmentally friendly. It is not the product advocated by the state. In addition, the proportion of these products (above 1.4) is the same as that of PVC (low end vulcanized three yuan, greater proportion of ethylene propylene rubber strip), and the window rate is almost the same as that of PVC, and the cost of utilization is relatively high. Doors and windows businesses are hard to accept.


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